Saturday, September 30, 2006

Oleh disebabkan dah lama sgt xtukar blogskin & aku tgh boring giler, so I decided for a new look 4 my blog. Diinspirasikan drp post aku yg lepas aku pilih skin ni.Blog ni mengekalkan color mcm yg lepas that is black/grey/red.So...whaddaya guys think?=)

odienumberseven's darkside uncovered at 6:03 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Minggu lepas aku xjd g kursus kat KL sebenarnya.Geram je bila difirkan blk.What happened was ari Isnin tu aku dah siap packing trus bertolak ke KL around 3.Mula ingat nak bertolak awal, tetiba baru terperasan yg aku tertinggal buku teks kat sekolah jd mintak tlg one of the teachers to pass it to me.So, after dpt buku tu aku pun terus ke KL.Sampai2 je kat Federal Hotel tu aku tanyalah reception nak daftar katne.Dia tanya nama kursus and aku pun ckpla.Receptionist ckp yg xde kursus tu kat sini and dia ckp gak ada satu kursus ni dah di postponed.Aku pun cuakla and called the organiser.Dia pun ckp yg mmg kursus tu kensel and dia dah pun faxkan surat kat semua sekolah yg terlibat.Aku pun ckp yg skolah xterima apa2 faks pun & dia ckp dia akan faks semula.Jd aku terpaksala blk s'ban.Soknya aku g skolah, tanyala psl fax tu...ada sampai ke x.Kerani tu jwp xde.Mmg bengang gilerla aku.Sampai arini tu...fax xsampai2.Huh!Malas aku nak citer lg...tension tol.

So minggu ni dah start posa.Pergi skolah rasa mcm xlarat je nak keluarkan sora nak mengajar.Jd aku bg bnyk latih tubi la kat dorg.Lgpun dorg nak exam da, mmg kena bg latih tubi bnyk2 pun.Minggu lps abis da aku marking paper SPM.Mmg dissapointed giler dgn result bebdk tu.Ramai yg fail.Aku pun mulanya rasa bersalahla gak sbb I thought that I'm not doing a good job to make these guys and gals at least pass.Tp bila tanya cikgu2 lain yg ngajar kelas tu, sumer ckp ramai yg fail.4sure there are something wrong with them.Aku xtaula cane.Aku sblum ni all out je dlm klas ngaja dorg.Tp dorg wat derk je.Tension btul.Lg baper bln je nak exam masih relax.Xpaham tol..

Aku masa percubaan truk giler.Agregat 29 tu!Sket lg nak S.A.P.Pastu aku trus sdar yg aku still lemah certain subject and aku bg tumpuan lebih kat subjek yg aku lemah....Tp Add M3..xleh nak watpelah..hehehe.Miraclenya, aku xfail Add M3 masa SPM.Berapa bnykla dorg trunkan graf tu gaknye....Muahahhaha.

Oleh sbb itu, aku still believe in my students.If they have the will they will succeed.If they don't want it that much, they won't get it.

So bg aku...lagu ni mmg sesuai sgtla dgn topic ni.How to save a life.Teachers all around the world ar trying their best to save lives....Enjoy!

How to save a life - The Fray

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

odienumberseven's darkside uncovered at 8:17 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006

Call Me When You're Sober - Evanescence

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Should I let you fall?
Lose it all?
So maybe you can remember yourself.
Can't keep believing,
We're only deceiving ourselves .
And I'm sick of the lie,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Couldn't take the blame.
Sick with shame.
Must be exhausting to lose your own game.
Selfishly hated,
No wonder you're jaded.
You can't play the victim this time,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

You never call me when you're sober.
You only want it cause it's over,
It's over.

How could I have burned paradise?
How could I - you were never mine.

So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind.

odienumberseven's darkside uncovered at 11:35 AM

Yeah..I've said one too many bummer's in a week.Since I've promised myself to always think positive, that's the only word that I could think of.My new lease of life is good actually.When ur always thinking positive, we actually felt a lot more happier.I owe my new lease of life to that someone who criticized me to bring me up and not the other way around (U know who u are ;)).Sometimes people criticize other people just to make 'em feel bad e.g:Paul Moss.When actually, the reason u criticize somebody is to make them a better person. I just wanna tell everyone that's reading this right here, accept criticism especially if they're from the ones u love coz u know for sure that criticized u coz they love u not because they hate u.Hmm...maybe I should change the title to criticize..

Anyway...back to my bummers.Hehe.Actually, bummer has become my favorite word coz that's the only thing I'd say when something I don't like happened.Before, my way of expression was hours of rage and days of complaining.So now, I just say bummer and after that case closed.This week particularly was a really bad week.A lot of things happened that tested my patience to the max and unbelievably, I still came out smiling.Crashed,burned, unscathed.Hehehe.

So today I'm going for a meeting in KL.Which is my first course/meeting held outside NS and Mlk.I got to go to KL coz I basically volunteered.Hehehe.Kalo tak jgn harapla nak dpt....And I'll be seeing u guys in 4 days time.Tu pun if ada time nak update.So sampai sini saja...till next time!

p.s:N9 and Man U lost....BUMMER!

odienumberseven's darkside uncovered at 10:56 AM

Monday, September 11, 2006

What a week!Rasa pantas betul minggu lps berlalu.Mana taknya..sbb x g skolah 4 drp 5 ari, jd rasa mc skejap la.Hehehe.Ari Isnin lps mmg bz giler kat skolah sbb dah tau Selasa-Jumaat xde kat skolah.Alhamdulillah sumer keje dpt setel kecuali buku rekod(sampai arini xsiap gak lg) sbb bnyk sgt menda yg nak ditulis.Anyway Tuesday morning aku pegi trip to Shah Alam dgn my students.Watpe g SA?Biasala...sbb nak tgk pameran hantu tula..(halamak..dahla aku tgh tulis mlm2 nih)Anyway the bus picked me up in S'ban around 8.30.Npk hepi giler anak2 murid aku nih..sumer sengih sampai ke telinga.

FYI ada 2 bas.Aku dok bas yg belakang.Masa dlm perjlnan tu aku terperasan yg bas dpn tu dah terlepas simpang rentas ke SA.Anyway, kitorg ingatkan ada perubahan jadual jd follow jela...Last2 sampai KL town.Stuck dlm jam 30min.Tetiba tgk bas dpn tu masuk Muzium Negara pastu kuar blk.Plik la ga nape kuar blk jd ada sorg cikgu tu tepon cikgu2 yg kat bas dpn tuh.Rupa2nya drebar bas tu salah dgr.Org ckp g Muzium SA, dia g muzium negara lak.Cikgu yg kat bas dpn tu dah mmg panas baran, mengamukla dgn drebar bas tu.Jd kitorg sumer ni terpaksa la pusing jauh nak ke SA.Around 11.30 baru sampai SA.What a waste of time. Jd siap2 bli tiket, bwkla bebdk ni masuk.Bila masuk tu punyelar gelap pastu dgn sound system yg mainkan bunyi2 seram, terus bebdk ni jd takut and peluk aku dgn 2 org cikgu lg.Terpaksa la aku berjalan dgn bdk2 ni bergantung kat aku.Rupa2nya suasana gelap tu sbb nak amek feel tgk pameran yg pertama-Pocong(tol ke ejaan dia ak?)Lama gak kat situ.Bau kapur barus kuat giler.Seram la gak.Tp Alhamdulilah xnpk apa2.Kitorg pun teruskan perjalanan tgk pameran2 yg seterusnya.Bila nak dkt abis tu bdk2 tu nak patah blk sbb xpuas ati xdpt npk 'benda' kat pameran pertama td.Jd aku dgn 2 org cikgu ni ikutla blk bebdk tu ke pameran pertama.Lama gak dok tenung menda tu...Bila dah tgk kali ke-2 tu cam wallahualam...Kalo betul pe yg kitorg npk tu, npklah kitorg...Ermm..xnak citer lg lah..aku kat bilik sengsorg ni..

Lps kuar dr pameran tu, we had lunch and after that went for prayers and window shopping at the 3 SA malls.Yg kelakarnya, masa masuk dlm SACC mall tu, bebdk ni ternpk Ruffedge tgh mkn kat satu cafe ni.Yg anak2 murid aku ni terjerit2la sbb npk Ruffedge.Ruffedge tu pun perasanla dorg dok terjerit2 and lambai.Lgla bdk2 tu jerit.Yg lg kelakarnya, lps tu bebdk Ruffedge tu g Body Shop, dorg pun g Body Shop, dorg masuk kedai satu lg, dorg pun masuk.Aku tgk dr jauhla..buat sementara xngaku anak murid....huhuhuhu.

Anyway, around 3.30 we head out to wetworld.Mandi manda la jap kat situ.Best gak main splash2 air dgn anak2 murid aku ni.Masa tu jela dorg bleh nak simbah2 air kat aku...bila kat skolah...MUAHAHAHAHA!!Siaplah!Around 6 we head back home.Penat giler aku.

Yg menambahkan penat aku is bcoz esoknya aku pegi kursus kat Melaka.6.30pg dah bertolak ke Melaka.Yg lg penatnya, sampai2 je...dgn x mknnye, wat senamrobik.Lps tu aku trus longlai.Bila abis sesi utk aritu kol 11, trus tdo pengsan.Sampai ari jumat rutin yg sama, penat aku bertambah2.

Ari Sabtu tu plak, kat umah aku wat kenduri.Bertambah penat aku.Anugerah Era pun aku xberminat nak tgk sbb dah penat sgt.Esok tu keja2 mencuci lak.Jap je da ptg.Tp dlm penat2 tu sempat gak g shopping & tgk wayang.Mlm semlm mmg aku dah penat giler.Sbb penat sgt gaknya, aku susah nak tdo.Skejap je dah kol 6pg...Dah nak bersiap g skolah.Sampai kat skolah keje bertimbun.Nak tanda kertas trial SPM lg.Sepantas kilat dah kol 2.Blk umah, surfing, mkn and tulis blog.Fuh!

Oleh itu, aku skang nak g tdo.Nak cover blk tdo x cukup mlm td.Buhbye!

Shania Twain - Don't

Don't... don't you wish we tried?
Do you feel what I feel inside?
You know our love is stronger than pride... oh
No don't... don't let your anger grow
Just tell me what you need me to know
Please talk to me, don't close the door

Hmmm, 'cause I wanna hear you
I wanna be near you

Don't fight, don't argue
Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away
Don't tell me to go

Don't!... Don't give up on trust
Don't give up on me, on us
If we could just hold on long enough

Hmmm, we can do it
We'll get through it

Don't fight, don't argue
Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away, don't tell me to go

Don't pretend that it's okay
Things won't get better that way
Don't do something you might regret someday...

Don't give up on me
Hmm, Don't!
(We can do it) We'll get through it

Don't fight, don't argue
Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away, don't tell me to go

Don't! (Don't fight dont argue)
Don't give up on me
(Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry)
Say that that I'm sorry
(Just let me love you)
Don't give up on me
(Don't turn me away)
Don't tell me to go

(Don't fight don't argue)
Don't give up on me
(Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry)
Say that that I'm sorry
(Just let me love you)
Dont give up on me
(Don't turn me away)
Don't tell me to go...

odienumberseven's darkside uncovered at 8:28 PM

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the name: rose
age: 27 zodiac: libra
location: seremban
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